Potsdam Press

Blueline's subsidiary small press, The Potsdam College Press, is committed to publishing works relating to the Adirondacks, including writing that interprets the literature and culture of northern New York, New England, and eastern Canada. Please contact us at blueline@potsdam.edu for information on purchasing our anthologies. To inquire about composing projects through the Press, please feel free to contact the Editor at mcnuttdj@potsdam.edu or at (315) 267-2044.

Intern with Blueline

Blueline offers a limited number of internships for undergraduate credit.

Internship in Public Relations
With Blueline as the their focus, students have integrated communications concepts and methodology through research, administrative or production work with various local agencies and offices under the supervision of faculty. Interns were responsible for developing and implementing strategic plans for a public relations campaign for the journal, including research into the private and public sectors, the special problems of marketing literature, and advertising and special event planning.

Internship in Public Relations—“Blueline in the Schools”
With the “Blueline in the Schools” project as their focus, students integrated communication concepts and methodology through research, administrative or production work with various public schools under the supervision of faculty. Interns were responsible for developing and implementing a program supporting creative writing activities involving students of all ages. The internship included research into the special problems of marketing literature, and advertising and special event planning.

Internship in Editing and Magazine Production
This internship provides students with hands-on experience in the editing and production of a nationally distributed literary journal. Students read submissions in poetry, fiction, and the essay, and learned and applied editing, layout, and production skills.